throughout the Costa del Sol

Terms of Use

The terms and conditions that are later indicated as the «General Conditions» regulate the access and use of the website under this domain. For the purposes provided in the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, this «Website» is the property of LA CORACHA, whose unique representative is RUBÉN PÉREZ BELMONTE, who is a natural person registered in the RETA as:

  • Title holder: RUBÉN PÉREZ BELMONTE.
  • CIF: 74941301X
  • Registered office: C/ Higueras Nº 7 (29190 Malaga, Spain)
  • Phone number: (+34) 620160523

If the user decides not to accept the current Conditions, he must refrain from accessing this «Website» and/or using the contents and/or services available therein.

1. General Conditions

The purpose of these conditions is to regulate the access and use of this website.

LA CORACHA reserves the right to modify, at any time, and without preview notice, the presentation and configuration of the «Website» and the Contents and Services that are incorporated therein. The user acknowledges and accepts that at any time LA CORACHA may interrupt, deactivate and/or cancel any of the Contents and/or Services that are integrated into the Website.

2. Particular Conditions

Access and use of the Contents and/or Services of the website will therefore imply full adherence to the particular conditions that regulate them in the version published at the time the user accesses them.

3. Access to the Contents and Services

For the correct access, visualization and implementation of certain Contents and/or Services of the Website, the user may need to download certain computer programs or other logical elements to their computer equipment. This installation will be the responsibility of the user, declining LA CORACHA any type of responsibility that may arise from it.

The user undertakes not to access to the Contents and/or Services of the Website by other means than are not the screen interface LA CORACHA provides to access them.

4. Search

LA CORACHA may require the sending of a contact form to access to certain Contents and/or Services. The user, in this case, must provide the requested information. Regarding to the information, the user undertakes to provide true, exact and complete data about its identity and update the registration data so that these remain true, exact and complete.

The user will not be able to choose as username or contact words and/or expressions that, in general, would be contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and good customs generally accepted and, in general, words and/or expressions about there is some right that excludes its use by the user.

To this end, the user may not select words or expressions that are rude, insulting, slanderous, identical, similar or in any way coincide with distinctive signs, company names, as well as names, surnames, artistic names and/or pseudonyms of third parties. .

If the user provides any false, inaccurate or incomplete data, or if LA CORACHA had enough grounds to suspect that this information were false, inaccurate or incomplete, or were againts the law or the requirements of morality and good customs generally accepted, in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph, LA CORACHA will have the right to cancel the registration and deny access and use, present or future, of the website or any of the contents and/or services incorporated therein.

5. Site Use Rules

The user undertakes to use the website and the contents and/or services incorporated therein diligently and correctly. Likewise, the user agrees not to use the website: To carry out activities contrary to the law, morality, accepted good customs or established public order. With illegal, prohibited or harmful purposes or effects on the rights and interests of third parties, LA CORACHA declines any responsibility that may derive from all the above.

The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the website and its contents and/or services will be carried out for strictly personal, private and particular purposes. It is expressly forbidden for the user to authorize third parties to use the website, in whole or in part, or to introduce and/or incorporate the contents and/or services incorporated therein as, or in, their own business activity.

The use or application of any technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which users may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from the unauthorized exploitation of the contents and/or services or the website is expressly prohibited.

The user undertakes not to damage, disable or deteriorate the computer equipment and systems or telecommunication equipments of LA CORACHA or of any third party, nor the content incorporated and/or stored in them.

The user undertakes to refrain from using the contents and services in any way that may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the website or prevent its normal use or enjoyment by other users.

The user undertakes not to modify the equipment and systems LA CORACHA in any way, nor to use modified versions of equipment and systems in order to get unauthorized access to any service and/or content of the website.

The user undertakes not to interfere with or interrupt the access and use of the website, servers or networks connected to it, or to breach the requirements, procedures and regulations of the network connection policy.

6. Contents and Services of the Website

The user is aware and accepts that the contents and/or services of this website are basically for advertising, commercial or both by those whose contents and/or services are offered on this website.

The website may include information or content provided by other sources different from those whose products or services are offered. LA CORACHA does not guarantee, nor does it assume any responsibility for the certainty, integrity, accuracy of such information and/or contents, including those cases in which there are defamatory, offensive or illegal elements.

The user acknowledges and accepts that LA CORACHA may keep and reveal the information that it stores or makes available to third parties on the website as long as it will be:

  • Required for it by the competent authorities and agencies;
  • Necessary to enforce the General Conditions and/or Particular Conditions;
  • Convenient or necessary to answer claims regarding violations or infringements of rights;
  • Convenient or necessary to protect the legitimate interests of LA CORACHA, its clients, users and the public in general.

7. Contents and Services outside the Website

On this website, LA CORACHA may make technical link devices, directories and search engines available to users that allow them to access web pages belonging to and/or managed by third parties.

The sole purpose of installing these links, directories and search engines on the Website is to facilitate users’ search and access to information, content and services available on the Internet.

The establishment of the link does not necessarily imply the existence of relationships between LA CORACHA and the owner of the website where it is established, nor does it imply the acceptance and approval by LA CORACHA of its contents or services.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, LA CORACHA does not offer or market by itself, or through third parties, the information, content and/or services available on the linked pages, nor does it previously control, approve or monitor them, nor does it make them itself. The user, therefore, must exercise extreme caution in evaluating and using the information, content and services on the linked pages.

Due to LA CORACHA has no control over the pages linked through the links that are incorporated into the website, the user acknowledges and accepts that LA CORACHA does not assume any responsibility for the content neither for the services that the user can access in these mentioned pages nor for any products that are marketed in them.

8. Guarantees and Liability

Unless the Law expressly determines the contrary, or expressly stated in the opposite way, the user expressly acknowledges and accepts that LA CORACHA does not grant any guarantee of any nature, whether express or implicit, on the website, or the contents and services incorporated in it, therefore it is not guaranteed:

– The availability and continuity of the website running and, in particular, the fact that users can effectively use the website, the contents and the services, access the different web pages that make up the website or those from which the services are offered.

– The levels of quality and functionality of the website, as well as the services and/or contents it incorporates.

– The interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website and the contents and/or services it incorporates.

– The adequacy for a particular purpose of the website and the services or contents incorporated therein.

– The certainty, completeness, accuracy and/or updating of the contents, services, products, texts, graphics, links or any other elements incorporated in the website, as well as the results that could be obtained from the access and/or use of this website or its contents.

LA CORACHA expressly declines any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained in the pages of this website, as well as for the lack of veracity, accuracy, validity, relevance and/or timeliness of the contents.

– Unauthorized access and alteration of the data stored and transmitted through the website or the services it offers in this regard.

– The absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.

The user is aware of, and voluntarily accepts, that the use of the website, the services and the contents takes place under his responsibility, for which he will adopt all those measures that are necessary in order to minimize the risks, including the adoption of the necessary security measures (procedures, antivirus, data recovery systems, etc.). Thus, LA CORACHA does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the access and use of the website or the contents and/or services incorporated therein.

9. Force Majeure

Without prejudice to the foregoing, LA CORACHA will not be responsible for any delays or failures that may occur in the access, functioning and operativity of the website, its contents and/or services, as well as any interruptions, suspensions or the malfunction of the same, when they have their origin in failures produced by natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods, lightning or fires, situations of force majeure, extreme emergency situations such as wars, military operations, civil disturbances, strikes, lockouts or any other force majeure or fortuitous cause.

10. Personal Data

To use or have access to certain services and/or contents, LA CORACHA may require users to fill in certain registration or contact forms that involve the provision of certain personal data. LA CORACHA will process these data in accordance with the purposes and under the conditions detailed in each case.

By completing and submitting any form incorporated into the website, the user expressly consents and authorizes LA CORACHA to collect, automatically process or transfer, as the case may be, the personal data that is requested in accordance with the purposes and under the conditions detailed in each case.

LA CORACHA has adopted and will adopt all the technical and organizational security measures that are mandatory in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and existing quality standards in the sector, in order to guarantee maximum safety and confidentiality of communications.

The user acknowledges and accepts that Internet security measures are not impregnable. The networks used on the Internet are not secure and any communication sent by this means can be intercepted or modified by unauthorized persons. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LA CORACHA warns that the current state of the art does not guarantee the non-violation of security systems or the inviolability of communications when these are transported through any telecommunication networks. Thus, LA CORACHA cannot guarantee full privacy and security in the use of the website and the contents and/or services and, in particular, that unauthorized third parties may not be aware of the conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that users make of the website and the contents and/or services.

11. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights and Other Rights

This website, as well as the contents, services and elements that are included in it, are the property or are under the control of LA CORACHA, being protected, without any limitation, by the laws of intellectual and industrial property of the Kingdom of Spain and by the international Treaties and Conventions that may be applicable.

LA CORACHA is the exclusive owner of all intellectual, industrial and similar property rights that may fall on this website. Likewise, all rights over any content, services or elements of its property that are incorporated into the website are reserved in favor of LA CORACHA or anyone it designates, including:

  • Those elements that make up the visual appearance, graphic image and other sensory stimuli of the web pages that make up the website.
  • The navigation architecture.
  • The source codes of the web pages.
  • Photographs.
  • Recordings.
  • Computer programms.
  • Data base.
  • Technology.
  • Logos.
  • Distinctive signs. All of this, as a whole, will be referred to hereinafter as the «Property».

The user acknowledges and accepts that the website contains content and services owned by third parties whose rights are protected by applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property, rights of exploitation of the commercial and advertising value of the image and other rights analogues, depending on the case.

The user undertakes not to withdraw, delete, alter, manipulate or in any way modify:

  • Those notes, legends, indications or symbols that either LA CORACHA, or the legitimate owners of the rights incorporate into their properties in terms of intellectual or industrial property (such as, copyright, ©, ® y TM, etc.).
  • The technical protection or identification devices that the Contents may contain (such as watermarks, fingerprints, etc.).

12. Property Licenses

The user acknowledges that by virtue of these General Conditions, LA CORACHA does not assign or transfer to the user any right over its Property, or over any property of third parties. LA CORACHA only authorizes the user to access and use them in accordance with the terms indicated in these Conditions.

LA CORACHA authorizes users to access and navigate the website, using the services and viewing the contents that are incorporated there.

Users are not authorized to copy, distribute (including emails and the Internet), transmit, communicate, modify, alter, transform, assign or, in any other way, deploy activities that involve the commercial use of the website, its pages, contents or elements that comprise it, either partially or totally, without the express consent, granted in writing, of the legitimate owner of the exploitation rights.

When LA CORACHA expressly authorizes it by writing, the user may download a single copy of the contents. In any case, the license of use recognized in this section may not be, in any case, assigned or transferred to third parties.

LA CORACHA reserves all the rights to the Property including all the intellectual and industrial property rights that it holds over them.

13. Links License

Users and, in general, those who intend to establish a link between their website and this website must obtain the prior written acceptance of LA CORACHA.

14. Violation Notification Procedure

In the case that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the use of any content and/or service, or the performance of any illegal activity on the web pages included in the website, or through the services provided, you may contact the registered office of LA CORACHA above, providing the following information:

  • The name, surname, national identity document, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant, as well as, where appropriate, the signature of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed or, where appropriate, of the person authorized to act in his name and representation.
  • Determine the alleged illegal activity and, in particular, in the case of an alleged violation of intellectual or industrial property rights, a precise and specific description of the protected content as well as its exact location.

15. Social Networks

LA CORACHA offers you the possibility to participate in their profiles/pages of different social networks.

In the context of this treatment, you must have into account that LA CORACHA can only consult or cancel your data in a restricted way by having a specific profile. Any rectification of your data or restriction of information or publications must be done through the configuration of your profile or user in the social network itself. By default you agree:

  • The treatment of your personal data in the context of these social networks and in accordance with its Privacy policies:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Google +:
  • Linkedin:
  • Instagram:
  • Pinterest:
  • The access of «LA CORACHA» to the data contained in your profile or biography, depending on the configuration you have of your privacy in each network, these will be more or less extensive.
  • That the news published about our company, our events, or our comments can appear on your wall or biography.
  • To receive communications about our products / services.

If you want to stop following us, you just have to click on the option «Stop being a fan» or «stop following» or other similar options depending on the social network in question.

16. Validity of the General Conditions and Their Modification

  • The legal relationship derived from the access and use of the website, as well as the contents and services incorporated in it, has an indefinite duration. Likewise, any of the parties may terminate or suspend this contractual relationship unilaterally at any time and without any cause other than their will in this regard.
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, this relationship will be terminated immediately when LA CORACHA publishes new General Conditions. The access and use of the website will imply full adhesion and acceptance of the new conditions and, consequently, the beginning of a new legal relationship.
  • «LA CORACHA» reserves itself the right to modify, at any time, and without prior notice, these General Conditions.

17. Assignment to Third Parties

The user may not assign, transfer, encumber or subrogate in favor of third parties the rights and obligations established in these General Conditions and, where appropriate, in the Particular Conditions.

LA CORACHA may assign, transfer, encumber or subrogate in favor of third parties, totally or partially, the rights and obligations assumed by virtue of the contractual relationship set forth herein, as well as the contractual position to any third party, understanding by means of this clause that the user grants enough authorization for this purpose.

18. Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

The website is operated and controlled by LA CORACHA from its offices in Malaga. Consequently, all questions that may arise from accessing and/or using of it will be understood to be regulated and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation.

In the case that the user is domiciled outside of Spain, LA CORACHA and the user submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the competent Courts and Tribunals in the Kingdom of Spain and specifically to the ones of Malaga.

19. Notifications

Unless contrary indication, all notifications, requirements, agreements, consents, acceptances, approvals or communications that are necessary in accordance with the provisions of these General Conditions or that, in one way or another, are related to it, must be recorded in writing, and sent to LA CORACHA by mail to the company’s registered office.